Strategy & Stock Picks is a quarterly event organised specially for investors to gain professional insights into the outlook of the SG, MY, CN & HK, Emerging and US markets and their stocks recommendation. Through these curated sessions, we aim to empower you with insights to better plan and develop your personal investment strategies for your financial goals. 2024 was a better macro environment.
Economic growth was resilient and monetary conditions were easing globally as inflation tapered down. We head into 2025 with a new US administration that is more insular and armed with punitive import tariffs.
There is the risk of a negative growth shock for the rest of the world as trade wars and barriers are mounted. Our analysts favour construction, REITs and real estate sectors. Seize this opportunity to learn from our research analysts and register for our Strategy and Stock Picks event!
Speakers will present on the investment themes, opportunities as well as stocks recommendations for their respective markets.